Canadian Support Groups
The Canadian Orchid Congress The association of Canadian orchid societies.
The Toronto Judging Centre of the AOS
Montreal Judging Center
Pacific Northwest Judging Centre 
Canadian Orchid Societies
Canadian Orchid Societies including those not on the web
The Central Ontario Orchid Society
Central Vancouver Island Orchid Society
The Eastern Canada Orchid Society
Essex County Orchid Society 
Foothills Orchid Society
Fraser Valley Orchid Society
The Kingston Orchid Society
The London Orchid Society featuring a picture reference database of 122,911 entries.
The Manitoba Orchid Society
Niagara Region Orchid Society
North Okanagan Orchid Society Vernon BC 
Okanagan Orchid Society
Orchid Society of Alberta
Orchid Society of Nova Scotia
Orchid Society of the Royal Botanical Gardens Burlington, Ontario
Les Orchidophiles de Montréal
Les Orchidophiles de Québec
Les Orchidophiles du Saguenay Lac St-Jean
The Ottawa Orchid Society
The PEI Orchid Club 
The Richmond Orchid Club
The Saskatchewan Orchid Society
Southern Ontario Orchid Society Toronto, Ontario
Toronto Artistic Orchid Association 
The Vancouver Orchid Society
Victoria Orchid Society
The Windsor Orchid Society
American Support Groups
The American Orchid Society
The Mid-America Orchid Congress
Dallas Judging Center
Florida-Caribbean Judging Center – AOS
Houston Regional Judging Center – AOS
Pacific Central Judging Region
American Orchid Societies
Ann Arbor Orchid Society
Atlanta Orchid Society
Baton Rouge Orchid Society
Central Florida Orchid Society
The Denver Orchid Society
Diablo View Orchid Society
East Everglades Orchid Society
Five Cities Orchid Society Arroyo Grande, CA
Gainesville Orchid Society
The Greater Lansing Orchid Society
Greater North Texas Orchid Society
Heart O’ Texas Orchid Society
The Honolulu Orchid Society
Houston Orchid Society
The Illinois Orchid Society, Chicago
The Kona Orchid Society on the Big Island of Hawaii
The Long Beach Amateur Orchid Society
Malibu Orchid Society
The Manhattan Orchid Society
Michigan Orchid Society
New Hampshire Orchid Society
Newport Harbor Orchid Society
The North Dade Orchid Club
North Jersey Orchid Society
Oklahoma Orchid Society
The Orchid Society of California, Oakland
The Orchid Society of Southern California, Los Angeles
The Orchid Society of Greater Kansas City
The Oregon Orchid Society
The National Capital Orchid Society
Northwest Orchid Society
The Pacific Orchid Society
Sacramento Orchid Society
The San Diego County Orchid Society
San Francisco Orchid Society
The South Florida Orchid Society
South Jersey Orchids Society
The Orchid Society of Northwestern Pennsylvania
Tampa Bay Orchid Society
Other Orchid Societies
The Orchid Society of Northern Transvaal
Cape Orchid Society South Africa
Akashi Orchid Society Japan
Kansai Paphiopedilum Guild Japan
Morioka Orchid Society Japan
Japan Internet Orchid Association
Orchid Society of South East Asia
Australia/New Zealand
The Orchid Societies Council of Victoria, Australia
ANOS Illawarra ANOS Illawarra is dedicated to the horticulture, conservation and scientific study of Australasian Native Orchids.
Australasian Native Orchid Society (ANOS)
The Species Orchid Society of Western Australia
Orchid Council Of New Zealand Inc
Orchid Society of New South Wales
Central America
The Jamaica Orchid Society Rap session on orchids
Asociación Costarricense de Orquideología Orchids of Costa Rica
Asociación Mexicana de Orquideología
Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society
Austrian Orchid Society
Irish Orchid Society
The Orchid Society of Great Britain
The British Paphiopedilum Society
The British Orchid Council 
The North of England Orchid Society Founded in 1897
Orchideen-Gesellschaft Kurpfalz (Orchid Society Palatinate) Mannheim, Germany
Nederlandse Orchideeën Vereniging- The Dutch Orchid Society
Grupo Orquideófilo Canarias
The Norwegian Orchid Society
Orchidées Languedoc
El Club Amigos de las Orquídeas Spain 
South America
Brazilian Orchid Societies
Sociedade Orquidófila de Brasília
The Peruvian Orchid Club